BEd International Teacher Education for Primary SchoolsAdd to shortlist

Applied Sciences


BEd International Teacher Education for Primary Schools

4 years

€2530 pa

Programme profile

This programme (ITEPS) has been launched through a close alliance between universities in Denmark, Norway and Stenden University. The programme prepares you to be a primary school teacher in international schools all over the world.

Programme content

The programme comprises a compulsory and an elective part. The compulsory part gives you a solid grounding in the profession of primary school teaching. In the elective part, you will specialise in subjects of your choice.

Year 1:
The first year focuses on providing you with the skills you need to live and work anywhere in the world. You will learn about, and experience, all facets of the teaching profession, with an emphasis on educational theory. What does it mean to educate? How do children think? How do you communicate with them? You will begin teaching children in schools and will become aware of the dynamics of a classroom setting.

Year 2 and 3:
During your second and third year, you will develop a broad understanding of educational theory: how do you get children to focus on their work, and what makes the classes you teach successful? You will have teaching practice at international schools in the Netherlands and abroad and learn to conduct practical research. During this stage, you also have the option to choose from a number of specialised modules. You choose two specialised subjects, attending classes either at Stenden and/or at one of our partner schools in Denmark or Norway. These subjects include:

- Art and Culture
-Inclusive Education
- Religion and Intercultural Understanding
- Science and Technology
- Physical Education and Health


Year 4
In the fourth year, you will be given more responsibilities, spend more time teaching and work increasingly on your own. You will complete this stage with a challenging teaching practice during which you will also be expected to conduct practical research.


Under EU Directive 2005/36/EC, people who qualified as teachers in one EU member state, are entitled to have their qualifications recognised in all other member states. This recognition may be granted subject to conditions, including making good any shortfalls (these shortfalls could include Irish Language competency). To teach in Ireland, students usually need to secure a final teaching practice placement in Ireland.

Entry Requirements

Two A-Levels and four GCSEs OR relevant BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma

Five passes at Leaving Cert (minimum 200 points) OR relevant QQi/FETAC Level 5. Subjects to include Maths.



Yes: Letter of Motivation

01 October

15 August